Remember, every great work (be it a game, painting or book) started with a single idea. Don't discount your ideas, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may seem.
Don't compare yourself to others. Your journey in writing, painting, or game development is unique and there's no one else like you. Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures.
Remember, every great writer, painter, or game developer started out as a beginner. Don't be discouraged if your early works don't measure up to your expectations. Keep practicing and you'll get there.
The key to success in writing, painting, or game development is to keep creating, even when you don’t feel inspired. The more you create, the more inspired you’ll feel!
Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page or screen, unable to come up with any new ideas, or simply feel a lack of motivation to put in the work you need? This frustrating "creative block" can be incredibly discouraging for anyone who relies on their creativity for work or personal projects, but...